
Showing posts from April, 2019
Take a few minutes to go over your grades/assignments in Jupiter and see if you have any missing assignments. If you failed the Photoshop quiz, you may make it up to raise your grades. When done checking your work, you should take this time to make up any missing work/testing retakes and extra credit. Media Arts Extra Credit You have a choice to submit one of the following for Extra Credit before the end of the Marking Period (5/3). When posting your Extra credit on your Media Arts blog, please be sure to label it as Extra Credit. Successful completion of an Extra credit assignment will allow for up to 4 points to be added to your lowest grade. 1. Museum/Gallery Visit: Visit an art museum! Pick 1 work you liked the best and snap a photo of it (if allowed) and write a 1 page paper about what you like best. OR Write a 1 page paper about your visit; what you saw, did, liked/disliked, etc. For either option, be sure to turn in your ticket stub. Paper should be typed; Times New Ro

Continue Free Editing

Continue to free edit today. Choose some of the following images (or choose a different entirely on your own) and edit them in some way. How you choose to do so is up to you. Depending on the intensity of the edit, 2-5 images should be posted by the end of the period with a brief written description of what you did to the image, mentioning tools and specific ways the image was altered. Please make a new post for today's work- do not post with the work from last class. Please also check to see if you have any missing work/have any questions concerning your grade. Images you can use:                

Quiz & Do some editing

When done with your Quiz, choose some of the following images (or choose a different entirely on your own) and edit them in some way. How you choose to do so is up to you. Depending on the intensity of the edit, 2-5 images should be posted by the end of the period with a brief written description of what you did to the image, mentioning tools and specific ways the image was altered. Please also check to see if you have any missing work/have any questions concerning your grade. Images:

Spot Healing Brush Tool

  The Spot Healing Brush Tool is the default "healing"  and can be used to clone areas from an image and blend the pixels from the sampled area seamlessly with the target area. With it, you literally take a spot of some kind (usually a pimple or some type of scar mark) and can heal it, or make it go away. Below is a Before and After . The chicken pox marks are no longer there!  When using the Spot Healing Brush tool, some things to keep in mind are...     1) Make the brush about the same size as the mark/spot you are trying to remove     2) Use single clicks with your mouse- dragging it can lead to weird color distortions Try using the Spot Healing Brush tool on the following images... 1) Oh no! Tiffany woke up with some new pimples the day of class pictures! Let's get rid of them and clear up her skin.    2) Tiffany's friend Sandra has the same problem. Same as before, let's clear up her skin a little   3) Casey has a really bad case of t

Patch Tool vs Clone Stamp

Do Now- click HERE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _  Today in class, fix the following images using either the Clone Stamp or Patch Tool. When you post the final image, please tell me which tool you used and why you chose that one (or if you used both tools), as well as any troubles you may have had in using the tool.  **Remember when using the Clone Stamp, you have to press the ALT button to ** select where you want to "clone" (copy).   1) Get rid of one of the sheep in the photo 2) Get rid of the bandaid on Nelly's face 3) Put another tree in the picture 4) Get rid of the stain in the shirt 5) Give the person another ear piercing/second earing 6) Get rid of the necklace on the Duchess of Cambridge (for this photo, you can't save it- copy and paste it into Photoshop)

Patch Tool

The Patch Tool is great for fixing large problems and floors in an image. It does this by cloning or copying pixels from another similar part of the image. The image below shows a road with a leaf. We will use the Patch Tool to remove it. 1) Select the Patch Tool.  2) Use the cursor to draw around the area you want to remove (make sure you join the start and end points). 3) Once you see the marching ants hold the left mouse button down over the selected area then drag it to the area you want to replace it with.  4) Once you are happy release the left mouse button.  5) Deselect the area by pressing Ctrl +D. Do the following exercises using the Patch Tool and post the results on your blog by the end of class.  1) Get rid of the bird and its shadow 2) Get rid of the cut on the girl's face   3) Keep one bird and get rid of the rest. 4) Get rid of the under eye mask 4) Get rid of some of the patches on the jacket. 5) Get rid of the holes

Clone Stamp

What is the Clone Stamp Tool? The Clone Stamp Tool does exactly what its name implies. Using this tool, you can copy a portion of an image and reapply it repeatedly to cover an unwanted portion of the image. The example below shows a telephone pole in the original image; the Clone Stamp Tool enabled us to cover the telephone pole with the surrounding grass, weeds and sky and create a new image that does not contain the telephone pole. Original Image Cloned Image How do I use the cloning stamp? To use the cloning stamp: 1) Select the Clone Stamp Tool from the toolbox. 2) On the Options bar across the top of the screen, select the brush size and type of brush you want to use: (Click the arrow on the upper right corner of the brush palette to see a menu for extended brush options.) 3) Move the cursor over the image to the area you would like to reproduce elsewhere. 4) Hold down the  Alt  key and click to select the area to clone from. 5) When you releas