
Showing posts from May, 2019

Printing Image due Today & Redo Assignment

Today is the final day to submit your favorite image that you have made all year. SUBMISSION IS GRADED!!  Email me the image at  Period 2 ONLY - Finish your 4 Selective Color images & submit When you have sent me your image you have chosen, you can choose one assignment from the year that you want  to re-do. You will have until next Thursday, 5/30 , to submit a final re-do.  EVERYONE MUST DO THIS ASSIGNMENT!  If an assignment called for 4 images to be created, you are to create 4 new images.  When you post it on your blog, please title it  " Re-Do (Name of Assignment)"               ex:  Re-Do Zentangle                    Re-Do Animal Hybrids                    Re-Do Selective Color

Making a Selective Color Image

Have you ever seen an image like this? Everything is black and white, except for one specific part of the image- in this case, the street art. This is called Selective Color.   Selective Color is when you choose one specific color (or a part of an image) to keep in color while turning the rest of the image black and white. It seems complicated, but is actually quite easy.  Directions : Step  1 - Select an image that you want to try selective color on. In this photo, I want only the blue umbrella to be in color. Open the image in Photoshop.  Step 2 - Use a Selection Tool (Quick Select or Magic Wand) to select the color you want to keep. Make sure you select all of the color! Step 3 - Go to the top to Select- Inverse .    This will reverse or switch your selection. Now, instead of the umbrella being selected, everything else is selected.  Step 4- Go to Adjustments & click on the Black and White option. Tadah! You're all done!  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Double Exposure

Double Exposure 1) Select an image of a model with a white background and open it in Photoshop. If you need to, you can make the background white in Photoshop.  2) Select a different image to combine with your model- focus on different environments, like a desert, city streets, forest, trees, etc.  Copy and paste that image on top of your model. 3) Change the  Blend Mode  of your environment layer from  Normal  to  Lighten  or  Screen .  4) If you feel like your environment blocks some of your model form being seen, use the  Layer Mask  tool on it with a low opacity and soft edges.  You can also go to  Image- Adjustments- Levels  to work directly on that layer and change the darks/lights of you image.  5) When done, post your double exposure on your blog. 

Create an Animal Hybrid

We will begin to day to create our own unique animal hybrids. A hybrid is  a thing made by combining two different elements Here is a link that has some examples to see... Steps to Follow : 1) Choose the two animals you want to combine. They can be from your own choosing, or you can reference mythical examples (centaur, hippogriff, minotaur, etc). 2) Insert the pictures into Photoshop. You will need to use a variety of different tools to blend the animals together. Some tools in particular are...      - Layer Mask      - Selection Tools (Magic Wand, Quick Selection, Lasso)      - Copy & Paste 3) Keep in mind the background you are using. Does it make sense for your animal to be there?  4) Post your work!  **You must create at least 4 animal hybrids & post them on your class blog** Due 5/17!!

Last Day of MP

Take a minute to go over your grades/assignments in Jupiter and see if you have any missing assignments. When done checking your work, take this time to make up any missing work and you can do extra credit (found below). If you have no missing work or Extra Credit is not needed, complete the following brief written assignment. Prompt : Why do you think we should learn art in school? Please support your claim and explain why. If you do not think we should learn art, please also explain why you think so. **Written answers must be posted on their class blog by the end of class** Answers should be 1-2 paragraphs with proper spelling/grammar. EXTRA CREDIT You have a choice to submit one of the following for Extra Credit before the end of the Marking Period (5/3). When posting your Extra credit on your Media Arts blog, please be sure to label it as Extra Credit. Successful completion of an Extra credit assignment will allow for up to 4 p