Playing with Photoshop- Selection & Changing Color

Change the Color of an Object

1) Save the image in your folder.

2) Open the image in Photoshop.

3) Use a Selection Tool to select only the pumpkin. You can use one of two tools...
Image result for quick selection tool photoshop

The Quick Selection Tool or the Magic Wand tool will let you choose/select part of the image you want to work with.

4) After the pumpkin is selected, we can now change the color. To do so, find the Adjustments tab on the right hand side. 
Image result for photoshop adjustments

     **If you do not have the Adjustments tab, go to the top of the screen to WindowAdjustments**

5) Click on the Hue/Saturation tool. It's the second tool on the second row.


6) Now try messing around with the Hue control on the top. Observe what is happening to the color of the pumpkin. Is it the same or different?

7) When done with the Hue/Saturation tool, you're done! You're pumpkin should now be a different color.

Now, try changing the color of an object in another image! Below are some images for you to try, or you may find your own in Google.

By the end of class, change the color of an object in at least three more images. 


shallow focus photography of red rose

Image result for umbrella being held


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