
Showing posts from December, 2019
Period 1:  Respond to the following on your Media Arts blog What has been your favorite project you have done this year? Please explain why.  What has been your least favorite project? Again please explain why.  Is there anything you are interested in learning/trying in Media Arts later this year? It can be a form of art making, techniques in Photoshop, specific project ideas, etc By the end of class, you must post your answers to your Media Arts blog. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - At this point you should have at least 2 or 3 gifs done and posted on your blog. If you do NOT, you should work on those for the rest of class. 

Absent Today- 12/12

If you did not last class, please post your GIF from last class. After you have 2 choices for today… You can continue to work on GIFs. Instructions for how to make GIFs will be found up at the front of the classroom. At least 1 GIF should be uploaded by the end of the period. OR   Edit 2+ pictures and post on the blog. Find an image from online and alter it in different ways in Photosho p. You can use famous artworks (Mona Lisa, Starry Night, etc), or may choose a different image. Think abo ut some of the tools and techniques that we have used in class this year, but don't be afraid to mess around with some tools that we have never used before. Explore a little!  By the end of the period, you should do 2 or more edits, either to the same image or a different one. By the end of class, students must post either their GIFs they worked on or the 2+ pictures that they edited. This will be a quiz grade!

Making Our First Gif

Open Photoshop and go to New- File                   Height: 4 inches                                  OR Height: 6 inches                  Width:  6 inches                                                        Width: 4 inches                  Resolution: 150- 200 pixels/inch     Find an image that you want to use on Google and paste it into the file in Photoshop       CTRL-V to Paste       CTRL- T to Resize/Transform the picture to fit the whole canvas Use one of Adjustment tools to edit the image File- Save the image first as a . PSD and then File- Save As as a . JPEG            Describe the action and add 1 at the end (this is the first image of the GIF sequence)      Ex: Change Color 1         Mona Lisa 1 Now change the Adjustment that you just made. You can also try out a new Adjustment tool as well. File- Save As a . PSD and then File- Save As as a. JPEG      The Title is the same as the last on

Intro to GIFs

1. What does GIF stand for? Via:  Tumblr GIF stands for  Graphics Interchange Format , a "bitmap image format widely used on the Internet for its flexible web support and portability."  Basically, a GIF is an  image file format , like a .jpg, or .png. It was  invented  by  Steve Wilhite  in 1987. The popular usage of GIF involves animation, or movement.  2. Is it pronounced 'GIF' like 'gift' or 'GIF' like the peanut butter brand? Lets see if we can't get some answers from good old YouTube! The internet is filled with different GIFs for all sorts of things. Probably the most helpful resource in finding these GIFs is the website  GIPHY . Try to find a couple of GIFs that you like! SO MANY GIFS!! Starting next class, we are going to begin to make our own GIFs. Below are 2 GIFs that I created. How do you think I made them?                           

Absent Today- 12/4

Today, you are to find an image from online and alter it in different ways in Photoshop. You can use famous artworks (Mona Lisa, Starry Night, etc), or you may choose a different image. Think about some of the tools and techniques that we have used in class this year, but don't be afraid to mess around with some tools that we have never used before. Explore a little!    2 or more  alterations are due by end of class for a grade!   By the end of the period, all students should do 2 or more edits, either to the same image or a different one. Submitting the 2+ images to their personal blog will be counted as a quiz grade!! 

Inspiration vs Imitation

Copyright is an important issue in today's art world. What do you know about Copyright? Copyright :  a legal means of protecting an author's work. It  provides exclusive publication, distribution, and usage rights for the author. This means whatever content the author created cannot be used or published by anyone else without the consent of the author. It is easy to copy something and claim it as your own, but is that right? This brings up this issue of  inspiration  vs  imitation . What do you think is the difference between the two? Inspiration : the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative  Imitation : a thing intended to simulate or copy something else  Have you ever found yourself making art and just copying someone else's artwork? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeffree Star is an internet personality and founder of Jeffree Star Cosmetics. Last year, Star found himsel