Absent Today- 12/12

If you did not last class, please post your GIF from last class.

After you have 2 choices for today…

  1. You can continue to work on GIFs. Instructions for how to make GIFs will be found up at the front of the classroom. At least 1 GIF should be uploaded by the end of the period.


  1. Edit 2+ pictures and post on the blog. Find an image from online and alter it in different ways in Photoshop. You can use famous artworks (Mona Lisa, Starry Night, etc), or may choose a different image. Think about some of the tools and techniques that we have used in class this year, but don't be afraid to mess around with some tools that we have never used before. Explore a little!  By the end of the period, you should do 2 or more edits, either to the same image or a different one.

By the end of class, students must post either their GIFs they worked on or the 2+ pictures that they edited. This will be a quiz grade!


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