Introducing Theme- Final Photo Assignment

Thematic Photos

 Theme: A central idea in a piece of writing or other work of art
Working with themes is a great way to practice your photographic skills. When choosing a theme you can chose:
  1. Similar subject matter (war, poverty, sports, doors etc)
  2. Similar technical composition (all black and white photographs, all same color photographs, etc)
  3. Similar mood or feeling (representation of love, anger, fear etc)
Below is a list of various photographers with a link to their work. Choose two of the following photographers and on your blog answer the following questions...
  1. Who is the photographer that you chose? Why did you choose them?
  2. What theme do you notice in their pictures? Is there more than one theme? What in the image leads you to think that this is the theme being used? 
  3. What is your favorite image by them? Why is it your favorite? Include the image (paste it in)

Here is a link to some more photographer series to check out
Taking pictures is like writing an essay. You want it to tell a story, take a stand, give examples, allow for debate and have your work organized in such a way that it’s understandable to the general public. Like a writer, a photographer is a story teller. However, instead of using words you’ll use pictures. 
Your homework is to start brainstorming some ideas of what you are interested in photographing.  


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