Week 3 (4/6-4/10)- Lay Flat Exit Ticket, PBS Video Response, Catch Up on Thursday & Friday

Due to concerns about security and privacy on the platform, the DOE has mandated that we will no longer be "meeting" on Zoom. Instead, we will be using Google Meet. I am still in the process of getting it set up, so I will be sure to update that information later today. There will be no office hours today!

Going forward, office hours days/times will remain the same- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 11-1. As always, we can arrange one-on-one meetings as well- just let me know.

I know that in the past week there has been a lot of confusion in terms of Spring Break and then having school this Thursday & Friday.  The DOE has decided that school is still happening this Thursday and Friday- the plan is that these two days are to be used as “11th Hour Make-Up” days for students to make up assignments from the past 13 remote learning days. I will also be offering optional enrichment activity for those students who are all caught up.

In the meantime, here is your assignment for this week, due Wednesday.

1) Complete the Exit Ticket for the Lay Flat photos.
             CLICK HERE

2)Watch the video below about whether or not art should be publicly funded in America.

PBS Video- Should Art Be Publicly Funded?

On your Media Arts blog, answer the following questions...
  1. Of the different countries mentioned (United States, England, France, Germany, Mexico), which one do you think is funding the arts the best? Why do think so?
  2.  Do you think that America is doing enough to fund the arts? Should America fund the arts less or more? Explain your reasoning.
  3.  Do you think art should be publicly funded in America or should it be left to private institutions/the private sector? Why do think this?


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