Week 5 (4/20-4/24)- Monochromatic Photos

Monochromatic Photography is when you take photos of objects of the same color or tone. 

Below are 3 artists that focus on monochromatic photos in their work. By clicking on their name, you will be brought to a website about them and can see more of their works. 

On your blog, please choose 1 artist that stands out to you. Answer the following...
  1. Which photographer is your favorite? Explain why you prefer them over the others.  
  2. Of all of the photographs by your favorite photographer, which color theme is your favorite? Please explain why.
  3. If you had a chance to talk to your favorite photographer, what questions would you have for them? What would you want to know more about?

After answering the questions, you will create your own monochromatic photo. Find objects of the same color and gather them together. 

You can take the photo however you like (lay flat style, still-life, etc), but please DO NOT USE A DISTRACTING BACKGROUND!

Here are some different examples to check out. What color do you think the images are focused on?
 Styling a bright lemon yellow flatlay w/ wooden grey background ...
flatlay | Фоновые узоры, Пастельные фотографии

By Friday, 4/24, answer the 3 questions & have one image posted on your blog!

Athena Melton Read more at: https://www.beautifullife.info/art-works/monochrome-still-life-photos-by-athena-melton/

still life still lifestill life




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